Keeping up with all your bills, remembering when they are due and making sure you have the money to pay them and hit all your other financial goals can be challenging. I know because I had a tough time figuring out how to make it all flow together smoothly.
It was tough at first trying to figure it out, but after much trial and error and finally getting sick and tired of being sick and tired I hit on the right formula. This system made sure I didn’t miss any payments while also focusing on boosting my income and becoming financially fit.
I realized that when I laid out my bills on a calendar while also marking when I was going to get paid and how much I was going to get paid, I stopped coming up short, missing payments and incurring late fees.
I’m happy to say I am now making this available to you FREE OF CHARGE. Now you can get your own copy of my 12-Month Financial Focus Calendar!

This calendar is laid out so that each month covers two pages. The first page is a calendar with fillable dates so that it can be used regardless of the year. You can then write in bills on the date they will come due, check off paid bills and also write in when you expect each paycheck, thus helping you plan your money in advance so you can make sure that you meet your obligations on time.
(see sample page below).

The second page of each month lets you get an overview of your monthly goals, both financial and other types. Each month also comes with a challenge for you to complete so you can sharpen your financial game. At the bottom of the page you will find space to reflect on your wins and losses and the lessons learned from each. And finally, there is a different quote for each month designed to keep you motivated and focused.
(see sample page below)

So if you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired and you’re ready to take charge of your finances and decrease your stress levels, fill out the form below to get yours. Use it and enjoy it in good health!