If You Find That Managing Your Money Is A Challenge Because Your Pay Varies From Check To Check, You’ve Come To The Right Place
Living on a variable income isn’t always easy. If you’d like some tips on how to make it work, I’ve got you covered with this valuable resource…
Learn the 5 things you need to know in order to get off the up and down rollercoaster of a variable income. Packed with valuable, need-to-know info, t’s my thank you for joining my mailing list.
How I Went From Broke Corporate Cog To Successful Financial Coach
Hi, I’m Forrest Huguenin and I want to share a bit about my story and how I came to be here. It was 1991 and I was at the lowest point of my life. I’d lost my job. My car had just been repossessed. My in-laws at the time wanted to kick me out of the house we had been renting from them. And, I didn’t have a clue about where my next dollar was going to come from.
And if that wasn’t enough… my son had just been born! I remember holding him in my arms and saying “Welcome to the world son. Daddy doesn’t have a job.” And I started crying.
I wish I could say that in that moment I had an epiphany, picked myself up, and from then on I plotted an unrelenting course towards success and financial security. Nah. Sadly, that was not to be. I had a few more ups and downs, including a bankruptcy, in my future.
“We have weekly zoom meetings and he is such a trustworthy, honest person and just very conscientious about giving me the information I need about my finances and budgeting. So I just cannot speak highly enough about Forrest and what he’s been doing for me. I know that he would definitely be able to help you as well. Contact him and let him know that you want his help too!”good. THANKS FORREST! “
Laura Hanson Raneri- San Ramon, CA
“The Budget Like A Boss course by Forrest Huguenin is one of the best decisions I’ve made! It’s the “go-to” tool in my financial toolbox! Forrest showed me how to create a strategy with his sinking, hill & valley and emergency funds. If you want to regain confidence and a sense of power to take control of money instead of money controlling you then jump on the Budget Like A Boss airplane and fly like an eagle!”
Ray Coggin- Liberty, NC
“His wealth of knowledge and insight was surprising and very reassuring. When you are done with this program, you still get some check ins and updates… he doesn’t just swoop in like a super money man, tell you how to do it, then swoop off to the next person. Even if you “got it all” and are doing things by the outline you created, he is still there to check in and guide you. He has the best follow through ever…“
Melissa Kellogg- Austin, TX
“Want to go on a trip or just increase your savings, Forrest will give you a financial plan that will enable you to still maintain the lifestyle you are accustomed to AND increase your savings. He is a wealth of information and a great resource when looking to move your life to the next level. If you are not ready for change, he is not for you, but if you are serious about improving and making positive changes, he is the man for you. “
Cortney Brown- Queens, NY
How I Can Help You
Mastering money is not all head knowledge. In fact, my experience with myself and others has shown that money mastery is only 20% head knowledge, while being 80% mentality! By creating a system that understands that and puts it to work for ordinary people I have achieved actual results. And you can get those same life-changing results by following my principles.
I Can Help You…
Get margin in your life with your money. Imagine how it would feel to actually have a surplus at the end of the month instead of a deficit?
Create multiple streams of income How much easier would you sleep at night if you knew that you didn’t have to depend on just one source of income that could dry up at any moment?
Pay off debt and get the unimaginable joy of being debt free What would you do with your money if you didn’t have any payments? Would you live, save, invest and give like no one else?
Get the peace of mind that comes from mastering your money Think of the bliss that comes from knowing where your money is going instead of wondering where it went!
No matter who we are or where we come from, we’ve all done stupid stuff with money. Show me the person who has no money regrets and I’ll show you a perfect person. And we all know those don’t exist! Probably the dumbest bad money habit I had was not taking retirement planning seriously in …
Money woes cause stress, which in turn touches on all aspects of your life. It can invade your life and wreck it from your relationships to your health. Ignoring money woes puts your quality of life in jeopardy and directly affects your ability to perform. And by perform, I mean from the bedroom to the …
I thought this article was going to be about one thing when I started typing. But as I typed, something else came out. Here it is. I remember when I first heard the story of my great-grandfather, Cecil Huguenin. Cecil was born a slave to a black slave mother and white slave master father. He …
Stop stressing over money and learn how to take control.
If you’re financially curious, scared or sick and tired of being sick and tired then it’s time to take the next step. Schedule a free Discovery Session with me online, either via phone or web conference, and find out just how your finances stack up against your goals, how well prepared you are to face a financial emergency and what you can do to make improvements to your financial situation.
You are under no obligation to purchase anything and at the very least, you will come away with a better understanding of your current financial picture. To get started, follow the link below to my calendar and pick the time most convenient to you.